
An interesting day

Did one of those poor sleep nights, and used the morning times to attempt to write.

It was slow going: my brain was more goo than buzzy inspiration. However, I managed 1,166 words! They arrived in an interesting manner. I started with re-writing the start of my 800-word challenge short. I got a few paragraphs in, and then stalled because I knew how I wanted it to start, but not quite the middle nor the end, it’s actually the middle that gives the super-short story its sticking power (less than 1,000 words leaves too little room for a set-up and conclusion! Unless the whole middle is cut out?)

So, stumped around 200 words and feeling like I’d probably be done for the day, I chased a flickering idea about a guy who finds a road named Wrong Way while driving in forested New England. It came firing out happy as you please, at about 1,000 words on the noggin. I edited it it a bi, trying to see if I could shave it to the 800 word mark but it was not having it.

Anyhow, will probably test it out on /r/nosleep soonishly before I plop it up here. A potential lesson learned about myself: I can pants-write horror shorts way easier than attempting to shoehorn paranormal goofiness into a plotted 800-word piece. Only one real data point there (and the first attempt story may be gelling in my brain, hard to tell since I’m all nice ‘n’ sleep deprived).

Stopping now before the rambles take over. GNIGHT

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