777 words today, so far. this sickness is making me hazy and bad at counting exact numbers: I forget if I logged the scene I wrote… yesterday? UPDATE MAKE THAT 3,000 words!
Tested another mini flight of ads today, and looked into how to find simple/easy book reviews. Bloggers and the like. Google provided an excellent starting point.
I’ve a few paths to look forward to in the colder months: finally starting part 2 of CHILDSEEKER (very basic plotting has begun as I resurface old ideas and play with introducing a new POV), and continuing to uncover Hunting Midnight. I’ve got some movement on the stubborn episode three and will be glad as hell to past the damn thing, as it was way stickier than hoped (though I am happy it went through the thrasher).
I also can’t wait to be able to afford an editor; as I go deeper down this path, the feedback loops continue to demonstrate how dang valuable they are. I mean, I knew it theoretically from the start, but to experience it in practice is always enlightening, I think. Okay, I just checked old blogs and may have forgotten to log some words. Current scene sits at 1,784, which includes today and (I think) the last log, which means some 300 or so got missed. I also beefed up the epilogue of CHILDSEEKER so there’s bound to be a few hundred extra in there too. Did I already mention that? Bleh!