
Category: Reddit stories


[Writing Prompt] An old farmer keeps having dreams where he sees blueprints for strange machines. One day he decides to build one. Reddit permalink They weren’t really dreams, nah. That’s what I had t’tell the press so’s they’d shut up and let me be. Yeah, I’d go to bed like […]

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[Writing Prompt] You are in charge of assigning Monsters under children’s beds, however, one child has cause every monster assigned to them to quit. So you decide to assign yourself. Reddit permalink Termeny paused time and phased into existence under the bed. He was not a particularly frightening demon—the human […]

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Welcome to Hell

[Writing Prompt] You awake in a beautiful field of flowers. Beside you is a monster who says “Welcome to hell.” Reddit permalink Lilacs and sunflowers waved at the edges of my sight, framing a perfect, cheerful sky. I pushed up onto my elbows. I was on a slight rise, and […]

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Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows

[Writing Prompt] Write a dark story about sunshine, rainbows, and lollipops Reddit permalink I loved them all, you see. That is what’s important to understand. We were brothers! Not literally, but two years of intensive training can forge a family out of anyone. I got the notion from Lollipops himself […]

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